Program Mission: "To be an innovator in change by increasing capacity, opportunity, and growth within the communities we serve"
Program Vision: "Improving excellence in child and family centered care through service delivery that is safe, supportive, and empowering to all"
The Clinical Services Coordinator is the single point of access of all psychological services for children in care of WFS or families at risk that are referred by the First Nation Community Care Programs. The types of assessment
Outside of this, the Clinical Services Coordinator can also support system navigation for accessing other mental health systems such as Developmental Services, Telemental Health, and other specialized mental health services.
The Clinical Services Coordinator is the primary link and support for the First Nation Family Counsellors for the following:
The Clinical Services Coordinator is the single point of access for WFS Crisis Response Services and serves as the Primary Lead and Liaison during WFS Crisis Response.
The WFS Crisis Response Model is not a mental health service but rather a wraparound of emotional support this is provided to families and communities that have experienced a critical incident or event. Our Crisis Response Services can be accessed at the request of the First Nation for up to 4 days.
The WFS Crisis Response Team is made up of staff from the WFS Healing and Support Programs. Not all of our crisis responders are mental health counsellors; however, all team members are certified Crisis and Trauma Responders and will ensure individuals are supported and referred to appropriate mental health services if/when required.
Anthony Andrusco
Phone: 807-274-3201 ext. 2415
Fax: 807-274-8336
B1455 Idylwild Drive Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3M3 AP.O. Box 812, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3N1
x807-274-3201 j24 Hour Response: 1-800-465-2911 Careers Contact us
1455 Idylwild Drive (Nanicost Building)
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3M3
A P.O. Box 812, Fort Frances, Ontario P9A 3N1
x 807-274-3201 G 807-274-8435