Devolution is the delegation of authority and the transfer of resources (funding) for services from the offices of Weechi-it-te-win to the Community Care Programs within each of our nine First Nations partner communities in the Rainy River District.
Weechi-it-te-win transfers designated child welfare services and funding to each of our partner First Nation Community Care Programs via Consolidated Services Agreements. The agreements entail what services that the First Nation agrees to provide on behalf of Weechi-it-te-win and the expectations/responsibilities of each party. The Consolidated Service Agreement is a legal document that allows for case management decisions to be made by the community for the community.
Devolution supports communities caring for their own through their customary ways. Devolution promotes case management, case documentation, protection and placement decisions to be made by the community and empowers the vision of community's caring for their own. However, in order for devolution to be successful there must be dual accountability and a strong partnership between Weechi-it-te-win and the First Nations. Service Agreements are negotiated and signed every 2 to 4 years.
B1455 Idylwild Drive Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3M3 AP.O. Box 812, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3N1
x807-274-3201 j24 Hour Response: 1-800-465-2911 Careers Contact us
1455 Idylwild Drive (Nanicost Building)
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3M3
A P.O. Box 812, Fort Frances, Ontario P9A 3N1
x 807-274-3201 G 807-274-8435