To create an Anishinaabe alternative to the child welfare system
WFS and it's nine partner First Nations Ministry regulated boundaries fall within the district of Rainy River; however our Families expound this geographical area and access to their First Nations is boundless.
B1455 Idylwild Drive Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3M3 AP.O. Box 812, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3N1
x807-274-3201 j24 Hour Response: 1-800-465-2911 Careers Contact us
1455 Idylwild Drive (Nanicost Building)
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, P9A 3M3
A P.O. Box 812, Fort Frances, Ontario P9A 3N1
x 807-274-3201 G 807-274-8435